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Idiom Families/Basic

The Basic Idioms 2-3

by To the sky 2021. 9. 23.

The Basic Idioms 2-3


원어민들이 자주 사용하는 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 조금씩 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.



  • by the by(e); [말이 난 김에(말이지), 그런데]
  • By the bye, what has become of him? [말 난 김에 말이지 그는 어떻게 되었을까?]


  • by the side of ~; [~의 곁에, ~의 가까이, ~에 비하여=near]


  • by then; [그때까지(는)]


  • call at (a place, a house); [(어느 장소, 집을) 방문하다]
  • I called at his office. [나는 그의 사무실을 방문했다.]


  • call for ~; [~을 요구하다], [~을 불러오다], [~을 데리러(부르러)가다(들르다)]
  • call for a taxi [택시를 부르다]
  • I’ll call for you soon. [곧 들르겠다]


  • call on (a person); [(아무를) 방문하다]
  • I called on her yesterday. [나는 어제 그녀를 방문했다]


  • call ~ to mind; [~을 상기하다=recall]
  • I cannot call his name to mind. [나는 그의 이름을 생각해 낼 수가 없다]


  • care about ~; [~을 염려(걱정)하다]


  • care for~; [~을 돌보다], [(부정문, 의문문에)~을 좋아하다=like]
  • I don’t care for jazz. [재즈를 좋아하지 않는다]


  • catch at ~; [~을 붙잡으려고 하다]
  • A drowning man will catch at a straw. [물에 빠진 사람은 짚이라도 잡으려고 한다]


  • catch cold; [감기 들다]
  • cf. get(have) a person cold; [남을 마음대로 주무르다, 남을 호되게 해치우다]


  • catch [take] fire; [불이 붙다=catch on fire]


  • catch hold of ~; [~을 붙들다=grasp]


  • catch sight of ~; [~을 발견하다=find]


  • clear away; [치우다], [(구름, 안개가) 개다, 걷히다]


  • clear off; [떠나다, 도망쳐버리다], [(일의 나머지를) 치우다, (빚을) 갚다]
  • Clear off!; [꺼져!]


  • clear up; [개다], [(수수께끼. 문제를) 풀다], [깨끗이 치우다]


  • close at hand; [가까이에, 절박하여=near at hand]


  • close by ~; [~의 바로 곁에]


  • come across ~; [~와 뜻밖에 만나다, ~을 우연히 발견하다=find]
  • I came across and old friend. [옛 친구를 뜻밖에 만났다.]
  • 1 come across somebody/something to meet, find, or discover someone or something by chance
  • - I came across an old diary in her desk.
  • - I’ve never come across anyone quite like her before.
  • - We’ve come across a few problems that need resolving.
  • 2 if an idea comes across well, it is easy for people to understand
  • - Your point really came across at the meeting.
  • 3 if someone comes across in a particular way, they seem to have particular qualities = come over
  • as
  • - He comes across as a very intelligent sensitive man.
  • - She sometimes comes across as being rather arrogant.
  • - I don’t think I came across very well (=seemed to have good qualities) in the interview.


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