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Idiom Families/Basic

The Basic Idioms 3-5

by To the sky 2021. 10. 1.

The Basic Idioms 3-5


원어민들이 자주 사용하는 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 조금씩 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.




  • in the world [도대체=on earth], [(부정사 강조) 전혀]
  • - Why in the world are you here? [도대체 왜 여기에 있느냐?]
  • - He has no one to depend on in the world. [그는 의지할 사람이 전혀 없다.]
  • used to emphasize what you are saying
  • the happiest/most exciting etc ... in the world
  • - I’m the luckiest man in the world!
  • - Bali is my favourite place in the whole world.
  • - Off he went, without a care in the world (=not worried about anything at all).
  • Nothing in the world (=nothing at all) can save them now.
  • - Don’t worry, we’ve got all the time in the world (=plenty of time so you do not need to hurry).
  • what/who/where/how etc in the world ...? (=used when you are very surprised or annoyed)
  • - What in the world are you doing here at seven in the morning?


  • in these [thoses] days [요즈음(그 무렵)은]


  • in truth [참으로, 실제로, 사실은]
  • in fact = really
  • - Early independence leaders were in truth little better than rebels.


  • in use [쓰이고, 행해지고] out of use; [사라지다], [쓰이지 않게 되다]


  • in vain [결국 헛되이=to no purpose]
  • a) without success in spite of your efforts
  • - Police searched in vain for the missing gunman.
  • b) without purpose or without positive results
  • - Altman swore that his son’s death would not be in vain.


  • in wonder [놀라=in surprise]


  • instead of ~ [~의 대신으로, ~하지 않고]
  • - I’ll go instead of you. [네 대신에 가겠다.]
  • - Instead of playing cards. [카드놀이를 하지 말고]
  • used to say what is not used, does not happen etc, when something else is used, happens etc
  • - You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.


  • it is not long before ~ [멀지 않아~하다]
  • - It will not be long before we try it again. [멀지 않아 다시금 그것을 해볼 것이다.]


  • it is not until A that B [A 하여 비로소 B 하다]
  • - It was not until yesterday that I received his letter. [어제야 비로소 그의 편지를 받았다.]


  • it is said that ~ [~라고 한다=they say that ~]


  • keep early [good] hours [일찍 자고 일찍 일어난다]


  • keep one’s promise [word] [약속을 지키다] break one’s promise [word]; [약속을 깨다]


  • keep silence [silent] [침묵을 지키다]


  • know about [of] ~ [~에 대하여 알고 있다]


  • later on [좀 더 뒤(나중)에, 후에=afterwards]


  • lay [spread] the table [밥상을 차리다]


  • learn ~ by heart [~을 외다=memorize]


  • leave [let]~alone [그대로 두다, 간섭하지 않다]
  • a) to stop annoying or upsetting someone
  • - Oh, just leave me alone, will you?
  • b) to go away from someone so that they are on their own
  • - Six-year-old Gemma had been left alone in the house.
  • c) to stop touching something
  • - Leave that alone. You’ll break it.
  • d) (also leave well (enough) alone) to stop being involved in or trying to change a situation
  • - Why can’t they just leave well alone and let us concentrate on teaching?



  • leave behind [뒤에 남기다, 앞지르다]
  • 1 to not take someone or something with you when you leave a place
  • - He departed for Washington, leaving the children behind with their mother.
  • 2 if a person, country, or organization is left behind, they do not develop as quickly or make as much progress as other people, countries etc
  • - In class, a child with poor eyesight can soon get left behind.
  • 3 (also leave somebody/something behind you) to permanently stop being involved with a person, place, or situation
  • - Although Armstrong overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind.
  • 4 (also leave somebody/something behind you) to move away from someone or something
  • - Sarah, with her long legs, soon left the rest of us far behind.
  • 5 (also leave something behind you) to produce a thing or situation that remains after you have gone
  • - He drove off, leaving behind him a trail of blue smoke.


  • let in [안에 들이다]


  • lie down [눕다]
  • 1 to put yourself in a position in which your body is flat on the floor or on a bed
  • - Just lie down on the bed.
  • 2 take something lying down informal to accept bad treatment without complaining
  • - I’m not going to take this lying down!


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