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Idiom Families/Basic

The Basic Idioms 4-4

by To the sky 2021. 10. 6.

The Basic Idioms 4-4



원어민들이 자주 사용하는 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 조금씩 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.




  • sooner or later [멀지 않아, 조만간]
  • used to say that something is certain to happen at some time in the future, though you cannot be sure exactly when
  • - His wife’s bound to find out sooner or later.


  • speak of ~ [~에 관하여 말하다=talk about~]
  • literary to show clearly that something happened or exists
  • - Her skin spoke of warm summer days spent in the sun.
  • no ... to speak of (also none/nothing to speak of) very little of something or a very small thing
  • - There’s been no rain to speak of for several months.



  • speak to ~ [~에게 이야기를 걸다]
  • - A foreigner spoke to me. [한 외국인이 나에게 말을 걸었다.]
  • 1 to talk to someone who has done something wrong and tell them not to do it again
  • - Joe was late again today. You’ll have to speak to him.
  • 2 if something such as a poem, painting, or piece of music speaks to you, you like it because it expresses a particular meaning, quality, or feeling to you
  • - Modern art just doesn’t speak to me.
  • 3 to show that a situation exists or something is true
  • - This situation speaks to a need for a better tax system.The party's success speaks to the fact that many people in the US want change.
  • 4 to talk or write about something, especially something that needs discussing or dealing with
  • - I am qualified to speak to this issue.


  • spend ~in …ing [~을 … 하는데 소비하다]
  • - spend time in reading [독서하는 데 시간을 소비하다]


  • spend A on B [A를 B에 소비하다.]
  • - spend money on clothes [돈을 의복에 소비하다]


  • stand [step] aside [옆으로 비키다]


  • start with ~ [~로부터 시작하다=begin with~]


  • strange to say [이상하게도=strangely enough]


  • such as ~ [~와 같은]
  • - Poets such as Keats are rare. [키이츠 같은 시인은 드물다.]
  • used when giving an example of something
  • - Cartoon characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular.
  • such as? (=used to ask someone to give an example)
  • - 'There are lots of useful things you could do.’ ‘Such as?’


  • such A as B [B와 같은 A]
  • - Such poets as Keats are rare. [키이츠 같은 시인은 드물다.]


  • such A that B [B할 만큼 A 한]
  • - She had such a fright that she fainted. [그녀는 기절하리 만큼 놀랐다.]


  • suffer from ~ [~을 고민하다, ~으로 괴로워하다]


  • switch on [스위치를 켜다=turn on]
  • to turn on a machine, light, radio etc using a switch
  • switch something on
  • - The lights switch on automatically when it gets dark.


  • switch off [스위치를 끄다=turn off]
  • 1 to turn off a machine, light, radio etc using a switch
  • switch something off
  • - The burglar alarm was switched off.Don’t forget to switch off before you go.
  • informal  to stop listening to someone
  • - He just switches off and ignores me.
  • 3 to relax for a short time
  • - Switch off by listening to music.


  • take a person’s advice [아무의 충고를 받아들이다.]


  • take a [one’s] seat [앉다, 착석하다=sit down]


  • take a walk [stroll] [산책하다=go for a walk]


  • take (an) interest in ~ [~에 흥미를 가지다]
  • - He takes a great interest in religion. [그는 종교에 매우 흥미를 가지고 있다.]


  • take away [가지고 가다]


  • take care of ~ [~를 돌보다], [~을 소중히 하다]
  • a) to look after someone or something
  • - Who’s taking care of the dog while you’re away?
  • take care of yourself
  • - The children are old enough to take care of themselves.
  • b) to deal with all the necessary work, arrangements etc
  • - Her secretary always took care of the details.
  • - Don’t worry about your accommodation – it’s all taken care of.
  • c) to pay for something – used when you want to avoid saying this directly
  • - We’ll take care of the fees.


  • take place [일어나다=happen], [(행사가) 개최되다]
  • to happen, especially after being planned or arranged
  • - The next meeting will take place on Thursday.


  • talk about ~ [~에 대하여 말하다]
  • spoken used to emphasize that someone or something is very lazy, cheap, hungry etc
  • - Talk about lucky. That’s the second time he’s won this week!


  • talk A out of B [A를 설득하여 B를 그만두게 하다]
  • to persuade someone not to do something
  • talk somebody out of doing something
  • - Can’t you talk them out of selling the house?


  • talk over ~ [~에 관하여 토의(의논)하다]
  • to discuss a problem with someone before deciding what to do
  • with
  • - Talk over any worries with your GP.


  • talking of ~ [~라 한다면]
  • - Talking of travel, have you ever been to Athens? [여행이라 한다면, 아테네에 가본 적이 있습니까?]
  • spoken used to say more about a subject that someone has just mentioned
  • - Talking of Venice, have you seen the masks I bought there last year?


  • tear down [잡아떼어 벗기다], [(건물 등을) 헐다]
  • to destroy a building deliberately
  • - A lot of the old tower blocks have been torn down to make way for new housing.


  • tear up [갈기갈기 찢다=rip up], [잡아 빼다]
  • 1 to tear a piece of paper or cloth into small pieces = rip up
  • - She tore up his letter and threw it away.
  • 2 to remove something from the ground by pulling or pushing it violently
  • - the remains of trees that had been torn up by the storm
  • 3 tear up an agreement/contract etc to say that you no longer accept an agreement or contract
  • - threats to tear up the peace agreement
  • 4 tear it up informal
  • a) to have fun in an extreme way
  • b) to do something, for example play music or dance, very well on a particular occasion


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