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Idiom Families/Beautiful

The Beautiful Idioms 1-2

by To the sky 2021. 11. 15.

The Beautiful Idioms 1-2


아름다운 도전을 위한 idiom들입니다.

도전은 배신하지 않습니다. 큰 열매를 거두실 겁니다.

These are idioms for beautiful challenges.

The challenges do not betray you. You will get great fruits.




  • as is often the case [흔히 있는 일이지만]


  • as it is [현재의 상태로], [(이에 반하여) 사실은]
  • leave the room as it is [방을 현재의 상태로 두다.]
  • As it is, I can’t pay you. [사실은 지불할 수 없다.]


  • as it were [말하자면=so to speak]
  • He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. [그는 말하자면 걸어다니는 사전이다.]


  • as like as two peas [아주 꼭 닮은]


  • as many [같은 수의]
  • I found ten mistakes in as many pages. [나는 1페이지 읽는 동안에 10개의 틀린 것을 찾아냈다.]


  • as much [(바로) 그만큼(정도)]
  • I thought as much. [그런 것이라고 생각했다.]


  • as often as not [자주=frequently]
  • As often as not, I thought of the plan. [나는 자구 그 계획을 생각했다.]


  • as one man [일제히, 이구동성으로=unanimously]


  • as people go [일반적으로 말하자면=as the world goes]


  • as ~ so … [~하는(인)것과 마찬가지로 그렇게]
  • AS is the teacher, so is the pupil. [선생이 선생인 것과 마찬가지로 학생은 학생이다.]


  • as such [그 자체로, 그것만으로, 그 자격으로]
  • He is foreigner, and is treated as such. [그는 외국인이며, 외국인으로서 취급을 받는다.]
  • Wealth, as such, does not matter much. [부는 그것만으로는 그다지 중요한 것은 아니다.]


  • as the case may be [(그때의) 사정(경우)에 따라서, 임기웅변으로]


  • as the case stands [현상으로는]


  • as the saying is [goes] [속담에도 있듯이, 흔히들 말하듯이]


  • assert oneself [자기를 내세우다], [(성질 따위가)나타나다]


  • at a discount [할인하여]
  • sell goods at a discount [상품을 할인하여 팔다.]


  • at a [one] draft [단숨에]
  • drink beer at a draft [맥주를 단숨에 마시다]


  • at a moment’s notice [그 자리에서, 즉각=at once]


  • at a stretch [단번에, 단숨에]
  • work ten hours at a strethch [단번에 10시간 일하다]


  • at a week’s notice [1주간의 예고로]



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