The Intermediate Idioms 2-3
지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.
학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.
매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.
The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.
They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.
Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.
- bring ~ to light [~을 밝히다, 드러내다]
- bring ~ under control [~을 억제하다, 억누르다]
- ↔ get out of control [다 잡을 수 없게 되다]
- but for ~ [~가 없었다면, ~이 아니었더라면=without]
- - But for your help, I could not have succeeded. [당신의 도움이 없었다면 나는 성공 할 수 없었을 것이다.]
- a) used when you are saying that something would have happened if something or someone else had not prevented it
- - But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.
- b) except for something or someone
- - All was silent but for the sound of the wind in the trees.
- by a hair’s breadth [아슬아슬하게]
- a very small amount or distance
- - The bullet missed me by a hair’s breadth.
- by any chance [만일, 만약에]
- spoken used to ask politely whether something is true
- - Are you Mrs Grant, by any chance?
- by dint of ~ [~의 덕택으로, ~의 힘으로]
- - by dint of money [돈으로]
- by using a particular method
- - By dint of hard work and persistence, she had got the job of manager.
- by fits (and starts) [발작적으로, 불규칙하게, (이따금) 생각난 듯이]
- - work by fits and starts [이따금 생각난 듯이 일을 한다.]
- by God [기필코=surely, 신에게 맹세코]
- spoken old use used to emphasize how determined or surprised you are
- by itself [(딴것과 떨어져)홀로=automatically], [고립하여, 그것만으로=alone]
- - The machine works by itself. [그 기계는 자력으로 움직인다.]
- - The house stands by itself. [그 집은 외따로 서 있다.]
- by misfortune [불행히도]
- by name [이름은, 이름으로]
- - I know them all by name. [나는 그들 전부의 이름을 알고 있다.]
- by nature [태생이, 본래, 날때부터]
- - He is frank by nature. [그는 본래 솔직하다.]
- by no means [결코~않다=not by any means]
- - The explanation is by no means satisfactory. [그 설명은 결코 만족할만한 것이 아니다.]
- not at all
- - It is by no means certain that the game will take place.
- by now [지금쯤은, 이미]
- - They must have got there by now. [그들은 지금쯤 이미 그곳에 도착했음에 틀림없다.]
- by oneself [홀로=alone], [혼자 힘으로=without other help]
- - He lived in the house by himself. [그는 홀로 그 집에 살고 있다.]
- by some possibility [어쩌면, 혹시]
- by the way [그런데, 여담이지만=by the bye]
- used when saying something that is not related to the main subject you were talking about before
- - By the way, have you seen my keys anywhere?
- by trade [직업은]
- - He is carpenter by trade. [그의 직업은 목수이다.]
- by turns [번갈아, 차례로]
- changing from one quality, feeling etc to another
- - By turns, a 14 year old is affectionate then aggressive, silent then outspoken.
- by twos and threes [삼삼오오(떼를 지어), 두 세 사람씩]
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