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Idiom Families/Intermediate

The Intermediate Idioms 2-4

by To the sky 2021. 10. 18.

The Intermediate Idioms 2-4


지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.

The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.

They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.

Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.



  • call back [되 부르다]
  • - His mother called him back. [그의 어머니는 그를 되불렀다.]
  • 1 call (somebody) back to telephone someone again, for example because they were not at home when you telephoned last time
  • - I’ll call back later.
  • - Can you ask John to call me back when he gets in?
  • 2 영국식 to return to a place you went to earlier
  • - You could call back to collect her at noon.


  • call up [(전화로) 불러내다, 전화를 걸다], [(군대 등을) 소집하다]
  • 1 especially 미국식 informal to telephone someone
  • call somebody up
  • - He called me up to tell me about it.
  • - I’m going to call up and cancel my subscription.
  • 2 call something ↔ up if you call up information on a computer, you make the computer show it to youI called up their website, but it didn’t have the information I was looking for.
  • 3 call somebody up 영국식 to officially order someone to join the army, navy, or air force = draft 미국식
  • - I was called up three months after war broke out.
  • 4 call somebody up to choose someone for a national sports team
  • - Hurst was called up for the game against Mexico.
  • 5 call something up to produce something or make it appear
  • - She can call up the spirits of the dead.


  • cannot but do [~하지 않을 수 없다=cannot help ~ing]
  • formal used to say that you feel you have to do something
  • - One cannot but admire her determination.


  • cannot fail to do [반드시 ~하다]
  • - Whoever studies hard cannot fail to succeed. [열심히 공부하는 사람은 반드시 성공한다.]


  • cannot help ~ing [~하지 않을 수 없다]
  • - I cannot help thinking so. = I cannot but think so. [그렇게 생각하지 않을 수 없다.]


  • carry away [가지고 가버리다], [(수동으로) ~에 넋을 잃게 하다]
  • - He was carried away by the music. [그 음악에 넋을 잃다.]


  • carry off [빼앗아(채어)가다], [(상 등을) 획득하다]



  • carry on [계속하다], [경영하다]
  • - He carried on his work. [그는 일을 계속했다.]
  • - carry on business [장사를 하다]
  • 1 especially 영국식 to continue doing something
  • - Sorry, I interrupted you. Please carry on.
  • carry on doing something
  • - You’ll have an accident if you carry on driving like that.
  • with
  • - I want to carry on with my course.
  • carry on as usual/as you are/regardless etc
  • 2 to continue moving
  • - He stopped and looked back, then carried on down the stairs.
  • - Carry straight on until you get to the traffic lights.
  • 3 carry on something if you carry on a particular kind of work or activity, you do it or take part in it
  • - Mr Dean carried on his baking business until he retired.
  • - It was so noisy it was hard to carry on a conversation.
  • 4 spoken to talk in an annoying way
  • about
  • - I wish everyone would stop carrying on about it.
  • 5 old-fashioned to have a sexual relationship with someone, when you should not
  • - Lucy confessed to carrying on behind her husband’s back.
  • with
  • - She was carrying on with a neighbour.


  • carry out [수행(성취)하다]
  • - carry out an order [명령을 수행하다.]


  • catch up with ~ [뒤좇아 미치다=overtake]
  • - Their car caught up with hers. [그들의 차는 그녀의 차를 뒤쫓아 왔다.]
  • 1 to finally find someone who has been doing something illegal and punish them
  • - It took six years for the law to catch up with them.
  • 2 if something bad from the past catches up with you, you cannot avoid dealing with it any longer
  • - At the end of the movie his murky past catches up with him.


  • cause damage (to ~) [(~에게) 손해를 입히다]


  • change for ~ [~행의 열차에 갈아타다]


  • change for the better [좋아지다, 호전되다]
  • ↔ change for the worse [악화되다]



  • choose between ~ [~가운데서 하나를 고르다]
  • - choose between the two [둘 가운데서 하나를 고르다.]
  • 1 to decide which one of a number of things or people you want
  • - It took us ages to choose a new carpet.
  • - A panel of judges will choose the winner.
  • - He chose his words carefully as he spoke.
  • - I don’t mind which one we have – you choose.
  • choose between
  • - For pudding we could choose between ice cream and apple tart.
  • choose from
  • - You can choose from a wide range of vehicles.
  • choose to do something
  • - I chose to learn German rather than French.
  • choose somebody/something to do something
  • - They chose Donald to be their leader.
  • choose somebody/something as something
  • - The company chose London as its base.
  • choose somebody/something for something
  • - Why did you choose me for the job?
  • choose which/whether/what etc
  • - You can choose what you want to do first.
  • 2 to decide to do something because that is what you prefer to do
  • choose to do something
  • - I chose to ignore his advice.
  • - You can, if you choose, invest in the stock market.


  • close on [upon] ~ [~에 가까운, 거의(대략)]
  • - an old man close on eighty [80세 가까운 노인]
  • close on somebody/something
  • 1 to get nearer to someone or something that is moving in front or ahead of you
  • - The patrol car was rapidly closing on us.
  • 2 미국식 to successfully arrange a loan, especially in order to buy a house
  • close on something=close to something
  • spoken used to talk about a number, amount etc that is almost exact, but not completely
  • - a voyage of close on 2,000 miles


  • collect one’s courage [용기를 내다]


  • collect oneself [마음을 가라앉히다, 마음을 가다듬다]
  • collect yourself=collect your thoughts
  • to make an effort to remain calm and think clearly and carefully about something
  • - I got there early so I had a few minutes to collect my thoughts before the meeting began.


  • come about [일어나다, 생기다=happen]
  • - It came about in this way. [그것은 이렇게 일어났다.]
  • 1 to happen, especially in a way that is not planned
  • - The opportunity to get into computing came about quite by accident.
  • - How did this situation come about?
  • 2 if a ship comes about, it changes direction


  • come across a person’s mind [(생각이) 문득 머리에 떠오르다]


  • come by [손에 넣다=obtain], [곁을 지나다]
  • 1 come by something to manage to get something that is rare or difficult to get
  • - How did you come by these pictures?
  • - Jobs were hard to come by.
  • 2 come by (something) to make a short visit to a place on your way to somewhere else
  • - He said he’d come by later.
  • - I’ll come by the house and get my stuff later, OK?



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