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Idiom Families/Intermediate

The Intermediate Idioms 2-6

by To the sky 2021. 10. 20.

The Intermediate Idioms 2-6


지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.

The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.

They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.

Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.



  • compare A to B [A를 B와 비교(유)하다]
  • - Poets have compared death to sleep. [시인은 죽음을 잠과 비유해 왔다.]


  • compare A with B [A와 B를 비교하다]
  • - compare the translation with the original [원문과 번역을 비교하다]


  • concern oneself about ~ [~에 마음을 쓰다]
  • - concern oneself about him. [그의 일을 걱정하다.]


  • concern oneself with [in] ~ [~에 관계하다]
  • - concern oneself with politics [정치에 관계하다.]


  • contrary to ~ [~에 반하여]
  • - contrary to my expectation [나의 예측에 반하여]


  • cure A of B [A의 B를 고치다]
  • - cure him of his bad habit [그의 나쁜 버릇을 고치다]


  • cut a figure [이채를 띠다, 두각을 나타내다]


  • cut short [바짝죄다(줄이다), 단축하다=shorten], [(남의 말을) 가로막다]
  • - Don’t cut me short. [내 이야기를 막지마라.]


  • day in, day out [날이면 날마다]
  • - It has been raining day in, day out. [날이면 날마다 비가 오고 있다.]


  • deal in ~ [~을 장사하다=trade in~]
  • - deal in canned goods [통조림 식품을 장사하다]



  • deal with ~ [~을 다루다], [~을 상대(교체)하다]
  • - deal with the subject [그 문제를 다루다]


  • depend upon it [꼭, 맹세코=upon my word]


  • develop into ~ [성장(발달)하여 ~이 되다]


  • devote oneself to ~ [~에 전념하다=be devoted to~]
  • - He devoted himself to the study of music. [그는 음악연구에 전념했다.]


  • dip into ~ [대충 훑어보다, 대충 조사하다]


  • discern A and B [A와 B를 구별하다] = discern A from B = discern between A and B
  • - It seemed almost impossible for her to discern good and wrong. [그녀가 선악을 분별하기란 거의 불가능하게 생각되었다.]


  • dispose of ~ [~을 처리(정리)하다]


  • distinguish between A and B [A와 B를 구별하다] =distinguish A from B
  • - distinguish between the imitation and the original [가짜와 진짜를 구별하다.]


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