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Idiom Families/Intermediate

The Intermediate Idioms 2-1

by To the sky 2021. 10. 15.

The Intermediate Idioms 2-1


지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.

학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.

매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.

The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.

They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.

Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.



  • be ignorant of ~ [~을 모른다]
  • ig‧no‧rant
  • 1 not knowing facts or information that you ought to know
  • - an ignorant and uneducated man
  • ignorant of
  • - Political historians are often rather ignorant of economics.
  • ignorant about
  • - Many people remain blissfully ignorant about the dangers of too much sun (=happy because they do not know about the dangers).
  • 2 caused by a lack of knowledge and understanding
  • - an ignorant remark
  • 3 영국식 spoken rude or impolite
  • - ignorant behaviour


  • be in dread of ~ [~을 두려워하다=dread]
  • to feel anxious or worried about something that is going to happen or may happen
  • - I’ve got an interview tomorrow and I’m dreading it.
  • dread doing something
  • - I’m dreading going back to work.
  • dread somebody doing something
  • - Tim dreaded his parents finding out.
  • dread (that)
  • - I’m dreading that I’ll be asked to make a speech.
  • dread the thought/prospect of (doing) something
  • - I dread to think what will happen if they get elected (=I think it will be very bad).


  • be in fear of ~ [~을 두려워하다, ~을 걱정하다=fear]
  • the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen
  • fear of
  • - a fear of flying
  • fear that
  • - There are fears that share prices could decrease still further.
  • fear for
  • - The girl’s parents expressed fears for her safety.
  • in fear
  • - The children looked at her in fear.
  • without fear
  • - People must be able to express their views without fear of criticism.


  • be in office [재직하고 있다, 정권을 쥐고 있다] 
  • ↔ be out of office [재직하고 있지 않다, 정권을 쥐고 있지 않다]
  • - She was celebrating ten years in office.


  • be in the custody of ~ [~에 관리(보호)되다]
  • - The treasure was in the custody of this bank. [보물은 이 은행에 보관돼 있었다.]
  • custody
  • the right to take care of a child, given to one of their parents when they have divorced
  • custody of
  • - He got custody of his son after the divorce.


  • be in the right [올바르다]
  • ↔ be in the wrong [올바르지 못하다]
  • - You are in the right. [너는 올바르다]


  • be in the wrong [올바르지 못하다]
  • ↔ be in the right [올바르다]


  • be inclined to do [~하고 싶다], [~하기 쉽다]
  • - I am inclined to start at once. [곧 출발하고 싶다.]
  • - She is inclined to be lazy. [그녀는 게으름 피우기 쉽다.]
  • - When the telephone rang yet again, she was inclined not to answer it.


  • be independent of ~ [~와 관계가 없다, ~에서 독립하다]
  • ↔ be dependent on ~ [~에 의존하다]
  • dependent
  • needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, be healthy etc
  • dependent on/upon
  • - Norway’s economy is heavily dependent on natural resources.
  • - Jan’s mother was dependent on her for physical care.


  • be keen on ~ [~에 열심이다]
  • - She is keen on tennis. [그녀는 테니스에 열심이다.]
  • 영국식 spoken to like someone or something
  • - I’m not keen on cabbage.
  • - Baker is keen on more collaborative projects in key technologies.
  • not too/not very/not that keen on something
  • - She likes Biology, but she’s not too keen on Physics.



  • be lacking in ~ [~이 부족하다]
  • - He is lacking in intelligence. [그는 지성이 부족하다.]
  • - He was lacking in confidence.


  • be located in [at] ~ [~에 위치하다=be situated in [at] ~]
  • to be in a particular position or place = be situated
  • - The business is located right in the center of town.


  • be lost in ~ [~에 잠기다, ~에 열중하다]
  • - He is lost in thought. [그는 생각에 잠겨있다.]


  • be obliged to ~ [to do] [~을 감사하다], [~하지 않으면 안 된다]
  • - I am much obliged to you. [대단히 감사합니다.]
  • - I’m obliged to do so. [나는 그렇게 하지 않으면 안 된다.]
  • be/feel obligated to somebody to owe someone loyalty, thanks, or money because they have done something for you
  • - Workers who have received in-house training may well feel obligated to their employer.
  • be obligated (to do something) to have to do something or have a duty to do it
  • - The insurer is obligated by contract to compensate the policyholder for the damage.


  • be prepared for ~ [to do] [~할 준비(각오)를 하다]
  • - Come what may, I am prepared for it. [무슨 일이 생길지라도, 각오는 되어있다.]
  • be prepared to do something to be willing to do something, especially something difficult or something that you do not usually do
  • - You have to be prepared to take risks in this kind of work.


  • be short of ~ [~이 부족하다]
  • - The shop is short of goods. [그 가게는 상품이 부족하다.]
  • short of (doing) something without actually doing something
  • - Short of locking her in her room, he couldn’t really stop her from seeing Jack.
  • - That is nothing short of stupidity.


  • be so kind as to do [친절하게도 ~하다=have the kindness to do]
  • - She was so kind as to give me money. [그녀는 친절하게도 돈을 주었다.]


  • be through with ~ [~을 끝내다], [~와 절교하다]
  • - Are you through with your work? [일을 끝냈나요?]


  • be well off [유복하다]
  • ↔ be badly off [부족하다=poor, 충분하지 않다, 상황이 좋지 않다]
  • badly off not having enough money to live comfortably
  • - My wife and I are not badly off as we have the state pension and my police pension.


  • bear [lend] a hand [거들다=help]
  • - Lend me a hand. [거들어 주세요.]



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