The Intermediate Idioms 1-6
지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.
학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.
매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.
The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.
They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.
Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.
- be cured of ~ [~이 낫다]
- - He is cured of cold. [그는 감기가 낫다]
- to make someone well again after they have been ill
- - 90% of patients can be cured of the disease.
- be dependent on(upon) ~ [~에 신세를 지다, ~에 의존하다]
- - He is dependent on his parents yet. [그는 아직도 양친에 의존하고 있다.]
- to be directly affected or decided by something else
- - Your pay is dependent on how much you produce.
- be deprived of ~ [~을 빼앗기다]
- - He was deprived of his property. [그는 재산을 빼앗겼다.]
- be derived from ~ [~에서 유래하다, ~에서 파생하다]
- - This word is derived from Latin. [이 말의 어원은 라틴어이다]
- be devoted to ~ [~에 전념하다=devote oneself to ~]
- - He is devoted to his study. [그는 연구에 전념했다.]
- to use a particular area, period of time, or amount of space for a specific purpose
- - The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.
- be discontented with ~ [~에 불만을 품다]
- ↔ be content with ~ [~에 만족하다], be satisfied with ~ [~에 만족하다]
- - I am not content with your work. [난 네 일에 만족 못하다]
- - We were satisfied with the result. [우리는 그 결과에 만족했다.]
- be disgusted at [by, with] ~ [~이 싫어지다, ~에 넌더리 나다]
- very annoyed or upset by something that is not acceptable
- - Most locals are disgusted by the anti-foreigner violence.
- be displeased with [at] ~ [~에 골이 나다, ~을 불쾌하게(불만스럽게) 여기다]
- ↔ be pleased with [at] ~ [마음에 들다]
- - I’m sure you’ll be pleased with this. [이건 틀림없이 마음에 드실 겁니다]
- - City officials are displeased with the lack of progress.
- be drenched to the skin [흠뻑 젖다=get wet to the skin]
- - I was drenched to the skin. [나는 옷 속까지 흠뻑 젖었다.]
- be envious of ~ [~을 부러워하다, 새 암하다]
- wanting something that someone else has
- - Colleagues were envious of her success.
- be equal to ~ [~에 동등하다, ~에 적당하다], [(의무 등을) 할 수 있다, ~할 역량이 있다]
- a) to have the ability to deal with a problem, piece of work etc successfully = be up to
- - I’m not sure he’s equal to the task.Are you equal to this challenge?
- b) to be as good as something else
- - The architecture here is equal to any in the world.
- be equipped with ~ [~에 장비하다]
- equip
- to provide a person or place with the things that are needed for a particular kind of activity or work
- be equipped with something
- - The rooms are equipped with video cameras.
- be equivalent to~ [~에 동등하다, ~에 상당하다=be equal to ~]
- equivalent
- having the same value, purpose, job etc as a person or thing of a different kind
- equivalent to
- - a qualification which is equivalent to a degree
- be essential to ~ [~에 절대 필요하다]
- - Health is essential to happiness. [건강은 행복에 절대 필요하다.]
- - It is essential to book in advance.
- be [get] even with ~ [~에게 대갚음하다, ~에게 빚이 없다]
- - They tried to be even with him. [대갚음하려 했다.]
- informal to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something that they did to you = get revenge (on somebody)
- - I’ll get even with him one day.
- be friends with ~ [~와 친구이다]
- to be someone’s friend
- - I’ve been friends with the Murkets for twenty years.
- be good [poor] at ~ [~을 잘하다(서투르다)=be a good [poor] hand at ~]
- - He is good at (playing) golf. [그는 골프를 잘 친다.]
- SKILFUL able to do something well
- - Alex is very good at languages.
- - She’s good at making things.
- be good enough to do [친절하게도 ~하다]
- - He was good enough to tell me the way. [그는 친절하게 길을 가르쳐 주었다.]
- be guilty of ~ [ ~의 죄를 짓다, ~의 죄가 있다]
- guilty
- responsible for behaviour that is morally or socially unacceptable
- be guilty of doing something
- - Some journalists are guilty of reporting scandal in order to sell papers.
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