The Intermediate Idioms 1-1
지적 탐구를 위한 idiom을 모았습니다.
학습량에 부담 없도록 하루 분량을 정리하였습니다.
매일 꾸준히 익히시고 많은 도움이 되시기 바랍니다.
The idioms for intellectual inquiry are gathered here.
They are organized as much as the amount of daily learning so that there is no burden.
Please get a lot of help, learn steadily every day.
- a day after the fair [(이미) 때 늦음]
- - You are a day after the fair. [너는 이미 늦었다]
- a dog in the manger [(이솝우화에서) 심술쟁이]
- someone who cannot have or does not need something, but does not want anyone else to have it
- a frame of mind [기분]
- - He was in a happy frame of mind. [그는 행복한 기분이었다.]
- a heap of [많은~(a lot of ~)
- - a heap of letters [많은 편지]
- a man of ability [수완가]
- a man of affairs [실무자, 사무가]
- a man of business [실무자, 사무가(a man of affairs)], [실업가(a businessman)]
- a man of honor [신의를 존중하는 사람]
- a man of letters [문인, 작가(writer)], [학자(scholar)]
- a man of means [재산가(a wealthy man)]
- a man of moods [변덕쟁이]
- - He is a man of moods. [그는 변덕쟁이다.]
- a man of one’s word [약속을 지키는 사람]
- - He is a man of his word. [그는 약속을 꼭 지킨다.]
- a man of sense [분별 있는 사람(a sensible man)]
- a point of view [견해]
- - From this point of view, I don’t agree with you. [이 견해로 나는 당신에게 동의하지 않는다.]
- a quantity of ~ [다수의(a large number of ~), 다량의(a great deal of ~)]
- abandon oneself to ~ [(술에) 젖다(빠지다), (비탄에) 빠지다 (잠기다)]
- - He abandoned himself to despair. [그는 절망에 빠졌다.]
- literary to feel an emotion so strongly that you let it control you completely
- - She abandoned herself to grief.
- abound in [with] ~ [~이 많이 있다(풍부하다)]
- - The country abounds in minerals. [그 나라는 광물이 풍부하다]
- - This house abounds with rats. [이 집은 쥐가 많다.]
- if a place, situation etc abounds with things of a particular type, it contains a very large number of them
- - The forests abound with deer, birds, and squirrels.
- above [beyond, out of] measure [지나치게, 대단히=exceedingly]
- - They were all pleased above measure. [그들은 모두 대단히 기뻐했었다.]
- very much or very great – used when you want to emphasize what you are saying
- - Her work has improved beyond measure.
- absent oneself from ~ [~을 결석하다, ~을 결근하다(be absent from ~)]
- - He absented himself from school. [그는 학교를 결석했다.]
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